Monday, February 11, 2008


So, I've started getting up at 6:30 in the morning. On a regular basis. I actually like it.

This morning, I was gearing up to do some devotions. I opened up my iTunes and decided to make a playlist of some good "worship" music. I put a lot of effort into it. Shoot, there was even some MuteMath in the mix. About ten minutes later I stopped for a second and looked at what I was doing. Did it really matter what was playing? Did I even need music? Nope.

I played at a church last night. The Creative Arts/Music Associate is one of my favorite people. We didn't do worship. We did "song time." That's what it really is, isn't it? Granted, it is much more than that; but you get the idea... call it what it is.

For the record, I ended up listening to The Glorious Unseen. I bought their album because iTunes recommended it to me. It's amazing. Touché iTunes... touché.

I decided I'm going to start leading a little "worship" here and there. It's something I've wanted/felt called to do for quite some time now. I'm a wuss. I don't sing well. I don't play guitar well; but... I'm finally doing it. I'm pretty gosh-darn excited.

The end.

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