Sunday, September 23, 2007


I've been thinking a lot lately about my definition of a Christian... of a disciple. My thoughts can't help but go back to El Salvador three years ago, on the last night of our missions trip. Don Triplett said something that will probably stick with me for as long as I live: "Only disciples make it to heaven." Now, without getting into logistics, viewpoints, and all that rubbish - think about it.

The Great Commission says it all: "Make disciples... of all nations..."

I so often see people who pray a prayer... believe in Jesus... and that's "enough." They're going to heaven. They have the mentality of "I believe in Jesus, so I'm going to heaven. I can drink... smoke... do whatever I want. As long as I believe God exists..." That doesn't seem right at all.

Look at Jesus, and the 12 disciples... He called each one individually. They stopped what they were doing... everything... they started a new life. They were no longer tax collectors, fishermen, doctors, whatever they did... they became disciples. They followed Jesus. That was it.

I just looked up the definition for the word "discipleship" in the dictionary. It's a noun. That's wrong - I think it should be a verb... Think about it.

I want to be less of a Christian (noun)and more of a Disciple (verb).

1 comment:

Bla Bla said...

oh yes....and lately in my thougths I think...I want to "do" less and "be" more.....

oh so deep..I think I'll have to blog more in depth when I have some more free lets say in a week or so ..ha!