Thursday, January 1, 2009


Apparently, these Wii things are a big deal.


Erik Call said...

Heh. Yeah. I had a Christmas party.

And we had the WII out. Apparently all of our friends never had an experience with the WII.

A friend, who is pregnant, bought the Wii fit from our roommate. And she doesn't have a Wii. Then pretty much everyone said they were buying a Wii.

Maybe it was the booze, but it just appeals to people who have no video gaming skills.

Just wow. Wii is cool. But it has this allure like ...

the eye of Sauron.

Erik Call said...

Besides I remember you freaking out whenever you got a big GI Joe vehicle or that Guitar.


Even I wet my pants over those GI Joes. Commercialism is heartwarming.

KT Bartlett said...

ok, so I watched the video...and how pathetic...wait...who am I kidding, I would've reacted the same way. The WII is the anti-christ.